Little Dog is a Canadian television comedy-drama series, it debuted on CBC Television on March 1, 2018. The series stars Joel Thomas Hynes as Tommy "Little Dog" Ross, a boxer who is offered the chance to redeem himself in a rematch against Rico "Havoc" St. George (Dwain Murphy), several years after forfeiting their first bout by walking away mid-match.
The series was inspired in part by Hynes' own experience as an amateur boxer, after he had to drop out of a planned match due to a rib fracture.
The cast will also include Ger Ryan, Katharine Isabelle, Andy Jones, Julia Chan, Patricia Isaac, Stephen Oliver Oates and Mary Walsh. The series was originally pitched to the CBC as a drama, but Hynes was convinced by producer Sherry White to retool it as a comedy.
Video Little Dog (TV series)
Cast and characters
- Joel Thomas Hynes as Tommy "Little Dog" Ross
- Ger Ryan as Sylvia Ross
- Katharine Isabelle as Ginny Ross
- Dwain Murphy as Rico "Havoc" St. George
- Stephen Oates as Lowly Ross Jr.
- Billy Cochrane as Chesley Ross
- Andy Jones as Lowly Ross Sr.
- Shauna MacDonald as Tammy Mackie
- Patricia Isaac as Vaani Abdeen
- Julia Chan as Pamela
- Michael Worthman as Jean-Pierre
- Ritche Perez as Big Tammy's Cameraman
- Mary Walsh
Maps Little Dog (TV series)
External links
- Official website
- Little Dog on IMDb
Source of the article : Wikipedia