Good Girls is an upcoming American crime comedy-drama television series created by Jenna Bans that is scheduled to premiere on NBC on February 26, 2018. The series is executive produced by Barns, Dean Parisot (who directed the pilot) and Jeannine Renshaw for Universal Television.
Video Good Girls (TV series)
The series follows three suburban women who are having a hard time trying to make ends meet. They are tired of having everything taken away from them so they decide to pull off an unlikely heist by robbing a supermarket, only to discover that they're in for more than they bargained. Their successful robbery attracts the attention of the store manager after he recognizes one of the women, but for a different reason altogether tied to the money.
Maps Good Girls (TV series)
Cast and characters
- Christina Hendricks as Beth
- Retta as Ruby
- Mae Whitman as Annie
- Matthew Lillard as Dean
- Reno Wilson as Stan
- Manny Montana as Rio
Originally, Kathleen Rose Perkins was cast in the role of Beth in the pilot. Later it was confirmed she had left the project and the role would be recast. Christina Hendricks was announced as her replacement on July 10, 2017.
External links
- Good Girls on IMDb
Source of the article : Wikipedia